Our Officers and Committee ar
South Wales Papillon Club
President: Mrs. Joan Wheeler
Patron: Mrs. Pat Munn
Vice Presidents:
Mr. R Banfield, and Mrs. J. Banfield
Life Members:
Miss. G. Orr, Mrs. B Phillips, Mr. & Mrs. Richards,
Mr. L Thomas, Mrs. L Thomas & Mrs. Tidey
Chairman: Mrs. Sue Stanbury
Secretary: Mr. Len Stanbury
Treasurer: Mr. Len Stanbury
Vice Chairman:Vacancy
Cup Steward: Mrs. Michelle Osborne
Assistant Secretary: Vacancy
Welfare: Mrs. Judith Walklett
Mrs. Irene Jennings, Mrs. Michelle Osborne, Miss. Margaret Unwin, Mrs. Valerie Sparkes, Mrs. Jo Sellick, Miss Kathryn Sellick and Mrs Judith Walklett.